Scope of Services
Our In-home services are available in the San Fernando Valley, Santa Clarita, and Antelope Valley. We provide Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Parenting Education, and Developmental Services with a Child Development Specialist. We use a play-based approach with all services provided. Our team of professionals work collaboratively in order to create the strongest outcomes for the children under their care.
Speech and Language Pathologists (SLP)
An SLP works to assess, diagnose, and treat communication disorders that have resulted from a variety of causes, such as stroke, brain injury, hearing loss, developmental delay, a cleft palate, cerebral palsy, or from an emotional problem. The SLP determines the extent of the communication problems by using standardized tests, such as the PLC-4 Preschool Language Scale. Progress is monitored and treatments are adjusted accordingly.
Physical Therapist (PT)
Our Physical Therapists treat and help prevent physical/motor development disorders as a result of a variety of causes, such as a stroke, brain injury, surgery, developmental delays, cerebral palsy, etc. The PT determines the extent of physical/gross motor development problems by completing a standardized test and providing continued treatment upon needs.
Occupational Therapist (OT)
In Occupation Therapy, we treat and help prevent perceptual motor development and sensory integration disorders. This is done through early intervention. Occupational therapy practitioners promote the function and engagement of infants and toddlers with their families in everyday routines. This is accomplished by addressing activities of daily living, rest and sleep, play, education, and social participation for children with a variety of diagnosis. By using standardized assessments, clinical observations, and parent interviews, the occupational therapist can assess a child’s sensory processing, gross, fine and visual motor development, communication, play skills, and feeding issues as they relate to sensory processing challenges. This continuum of assessment enables the occupational therapist to develop a therapy plan and facilitate improvement in skills and adaptations to help overcome deficient areas.
Child Development Specialist (CDS)
The goal of our Child Development Specialists is to analyze a child’s domains (e.g., cognitive, language, perceptual motor, social emotional development, and self-help skills), in order to determine further assessment. The CDS provides early intervention services in order to support and enhance all the domains based on the child’s needs in building a partnership with parents.
Parenting Program: the DOT Parent
The DOT Parent works to assess family dynamics, identifying the challenges that may be impacting the child’s emotional development. Culture and beliefs are incorporated into the assessment as we build rapport and trust with each family. We have designed specific modules based on the DOT parent principles to work in collaboration with families. Our goal is to empower parents to become experts in their parenting skills and to give guidance and support for raising emotionally healthy children. Every child and parent can reach their highest potential. Through the DOT parent principles, we offer knowledge, skills, and values that can transform the journey of parenting.
Our Modules
- Family beliefs & values
- Family unit, creating harmonious lives
- Parenting styles
- Family learning environments
- Family self-care plan
- Family resilience (The Protective Factors)
- Family activities
- Paths to wellness
- Plan of action
- Self-assessment (on-going process)
- Observations RIO (Relevant, Intentional and Objective)
- Brain Development
- Children’s perspective
- How children form identity
- The power of healthy relationships between child and parent
- Children’s temperaments
- Children’s learning styles
- Social emotional competences
- The 20/20 vision plan of action
- Self-assessment (on-going process)
- The core values of a strong parenting
- Sense of belonging
- Secure attachments
- Self-regulation
- Establishing positive relationships
- Effective ways to encourage and praise your child
- Children’s emotional intelligence
- Effective discipline: Logical consequences vs punishment
- Plan of action
- Self-assessment (on-going process)
To learn more, please visit our Parenting Principles Program page.